Welcome UST-EHS Class Of 1977 Alumni!
Reunion Announcement
Dear Class '77 Batchmates,
Over a month ago, we started plans for a UST-EHS Class of 1977 US Reunion, which will be held on the first Saturday of November,2009 in San Francisco, California.
One of the most difficult things in planning any reunion is first locating everyone; the Internet does make this a little easier.Our reunion information is posted at http://ustehs77.reunionwatch.com/USReunion2009.html.You can check this site to stay up to date on reunion progress. The sooner we can let everyone know what the plans are, the more notice people receive so they can budget and plan their vacation time, to make it to our reunion. If you are in touch with anyone please contact us by email at paul_imee@yahoo.com with the information so we can get in touch with as many classmates as possible.
The second thing that makes planning a reunion difficult is the expense involved in placing down deposits without having any definite number of people at that time. Because of this, we are asking everyone to send in $70 as a deposit for each ticket. This money will be used for all the deposits necessary. The money will come off your ticket price, and in the event you cannot make the reunion, you can always write it off as a donation to your school :) Since we have no money to start with we are asking that you send in your $70 no later than July 30th, 2009. If we do not have at least 20 checks by the end of July, plans may stop and checks will be returned. I sincerely hope you will understand and be able to support our plans.
You may be wondering why you don't always hear of deposits for Reunions. The main reason would probably be that many schools over the past several years have been using Reunion Planners. These Reunion Planners absorb all of the initial costs, such as location deposits, food deposits, DJ deposits, etc. However, in exchange for this there is a hefty fee, it is usually about $30-$40 per ticket. So we would have to price our tickets $30-$40 higher of the ticket price to cover a Reunion Planner. This would push our ticket prices sky high. The other drawback with a planner, is that they don't put much effort into finding classmates. With these two main points in mind, we opted to plan the reunion ourselves, and save money all the way around. So we hope you understand why this decision was made.
If you have an e-mail address we would greatly appreciate you sending your address to us. If we can communicate primarily by email it will keep costs down. As Reunion plans progress we will keep you updated and as the Reunion draws closer we will send you reminders. It will not be reasonable to mail correspondence every time. We want to keep you posted on how the plans are coming along and whom we are still trying to locate.
The Reunion Committee is taking over the huge job of trying to locate our fellow EHSians. If you bump into anyone else from our alma mater please ask them to send us their contact information. We wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on this memorable event.
We plan to offer dinner, dancing, socializing, fun and prizes on the event.Please pass the word around and see you there!
Your Reunion Committee (paul_imee@yahoo.com)
Please make your checks out to Paul Leonor and at the bottom of the check reference Class '77 Reunion 2009. For a physical address to mail your check to, please contact the committee via email.
2009 UST-EHS US Grand Reunion Committee
Organizers Of Our 2009 UST-EHS Class '77 Grand Reunion are:
Paul Leonor and
Imeebelle Malig-Rosario