Welcome UST-EHS Class Of 1977 Alum-mates!
2009 UST-EHS Class Of 1977 US Grand Reunion
Are you ready to mix, mingle and get caught up on who's been doing what over the past 3 decades? Then join all our fellow Batch '77 Alumni at our 2009 US Grand Reunion to be held on Nov 7, 2009 in San Francisco, California!.
This is a time to come together, renew old friendships, catch up with each other, reminisce about the "good ol days"...celebrate life's changes. It can be a wonderfully rejuvenating experience. When it's over we can take comfort in the fact that we have all changed, we've all gone down different paths in life but that we all still share a common bond and still enjoy a good party. For more infos, pls. email
Paul & Imee @ paul_imee@yahoo.com
2009 Class 1977 US Grand Reunion Reunion Date: November 7, 2009
Venue: The Hilton San Francisco Vista Executive Lounge
San Francisco, California
Time: 5:00 PM - 12 Midnight (subject to change)
Register Here:
Reunion Video Clip Of The Week
(best viewed with a broadband connection, active X and java enabled browser required; if you don't see any video at all, you need to update Windows Media Player) "Batch '77 No. California Get-Together, April 2009"
NEWSFLASH: Class Of 1977 Grand Reunion Set For Nov. 7, 2009 In San Francisco!
The date is set for our class reunion!!!
So you have 3 months and 4 weeks to loose those extra pounds, heal up from the face, butt and tummy lifts, put your party clothes on and meet in San Francisco on November 7th!!!
Relive the glamour of previous Class of 77's Reunions in the Class'77 Reunion Gallery Page
Check out the photos at this website's Reunion Photo Page We will be accepting photos, past and present. We will attempt to share these photos with everyone else or have them available for our reunion website. We will add more photos as we receive them. Send scanned photos to paul_imee@yahoo.com
Personal Infos Update
Remember to keep us up-to-date with your mailing address. Our alumni list will be passed on to the next reunion committee. In the meantime please try to contact our fellow batchmates and ask them to e-mail their updated email addresses, phone numbers and home addresses to paul_imee@yahoo.com If you know of other classmates that are M.I.A. please let us know or have them contact us.
Update Your Personal Infos Here:
Join Our Yahoo! E-mail Group
As a part of our effort to organize our EHS group for future reunions, you may also want to join our reunion mailing group by using the link below. The mailing group provides an easy way to broadcast e-mails to everyone without maintaining large personalized mailing lists. It provides an avenue to discuss reunions, locate lost classmates, and other topics of interest. All other friends who have an interest in our class reunions, etc. are encouraged to join. When you subscribe to the group, we will verify and approve your membership to the group. If you have any questions, contact Paul Leonor at paul_imee@yahoo.com.
San Francisco, California
Pay Reunion Deposit or Full Payments Here!(transaction fee added)
Dear Batchmates
A lot has changed since we walked the halls of UST Education High School.
Technology that was once only science fiction, has come to life in our adult years, we can go places and see things that we never thought possible; without stepping foot out our front door.
We are ALL older...some wiser...we can hide our age with hair color, hair plugs, botox, liposuction, face lifts, breast implants, tummy tucks, colored contacts or lasik surgery so we don't need those darn glasses at all. But face it...although pretty cool (in our own minds) we can NEVER hide how goofy we looked 3 decades ago!
It's almost time for our very first class reunion in the US...so in keeping with the times...lets start connecting!
I realize that not everyone will be able to attend the reunion so it would be nice to see what has become of us.
A lot has happened 3 deacdes ago, we have experienced; births, deaths, achievements, losses, wonderment and despair.
Share your stories...send pictures...share yourself and pass this site on to other classmates.
Reunion Jitters?
As the reunion approaches, your mind becomes flooded with thoughts...will there be anyone there I know? What if my old boyfriend or girlfriend is there? What if nobody remembers me? What if I don't recognize classmates or remember their names? What if I run into someone I didn't get along with in school? ...I've put on weight, I've gone gray; I've lost my hair; I'm not that successful... RELAX...you're not alone!!!
You're not alone in those thoughts.....Everyone feels the same.....don't let that stand in your way of attending our class reunion...Come and have a good time!
The bottom line is, we have all changed. We're not 17 anymore! The laws of gravity and time catch up with all of us...eventually. Changes are an inevitable fact of life...accept yourself for who you are...be yourself...celebrate life's changes.
This is a time to come together, renew old friendships, catch up with each other, reminisce about the "good ol days"...celebrate life's changes. It can be a wonderfully rejuvenating experience. When it's over we can take comfort in the fact that we have all changed, we've all gone down different paths in life but that we all still share a common bond and still enjoy a good party.
Flashback 2006: The UST-EHS Multi-Batch SF Reunion Feedbacks
"It was a success in a superlative degree" - Helen Doria (Class of '73)
"Now its not just the fun in High School days we look back with a smile, but also the night of Oct. 28, 2006. When most of us became the young boys and girls of EHS once again" -Theresa Balleser (Class Of '76)
"...what a blast! Exhausted kami but it was all worth it. As a matter of fact, we are experiencing "reunion withdrawal" -Sonny (Class Of '72) & Nina(Class Of '73) Endozo
"It was really a blast seeing everybody after so many years. You should have seen me Monday at work ... still giggly and reliving every minute of that night" -Susan Cabreira (Class Of '79)
"Everybody had a blast and wouldn't wanna leave the room!" -Cris Eclavea (Class Of '76)
"Super successful talaga ang reunion natin.. Nakakaaliw talaga" -Mary Ann Pinatacan (Class Of '75)
"Reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances is very important at
this point in our mid life, and meeting everybody again in a festive
way is something we'll all treasure" - Baby Leonor-Cariaga (Class Of '73)
"It's like we traveled back in time, I almost felt like I was dreaming that night..." - Bovic Paras (Class Of '76)
"It was indeed a Night to remember. We all had a great time laughing, dancing, reminiscing and making new friends. Actually most of us didn't want to go home after the Party" -Mai Vergara-Villanueva (Class Of 75)

The 70's Music Flashback "Maybe the old songs..would bring back the old times.... - D. Pomeranz/B. Manilow
Hitback Song Of The Week:
"Youve Got A Friend" - James Taylor
The 70's Music Page (listen to classic 70's hits!..absolutely free,absolutely beautiful!)
About The Site
This site is dedicated to bringing all alumni of UST-EHS together.
The site welcomes all visitors, especially all fellow UST-EHS alumni. This page is copyrighted ©2001 and is maintained by Paul Leonor. For comments and suggestions send e-mail to paulleonor@sbcglobal.net or paulino.leonor@sf.frb.org
2009 EHS Class'77 Reunion Committee Organizers Of Our 2009 UST-EHS Class Of '77 California Reunion are:
Paul Leonor and
Imeebelle Malig-Rosario of Class of '77
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