Welcome UST-EHS Alumni!
Just ten of the many reasons you, yes YOU should attend the Reunion!
10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND THE REUNION 1. You'll laugh, cry and reminisce with some of your oldest friends.
2. You don't have to lie about your age. 3. Feel better realizing you are not the only one who has been married, divorced and is now looking. 4. You just might make someone‘s night, by being the person they had hoped would show up! 5. Rekindle or begin new relationships. 6. Even if you had some negative experiences in high school, don't fret about it, you'll most likely laugh about it now. 7. Enjoy an evening out without the kids. 8. Use the reunion as an opportunity to diet and shape up. 9. You might win fun prizes and have a blast.
10. And finally, studies have shown that those who were initially hesitant about attending their reunions discover it was the event they wouldn't have missed! WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!
2009 UST-EHS Class Of 1977 US Reunion Committee
Organizers Of Our 2009 UST-EHS Class Of 1977 US Reunion are:
Paul Leonor and
Imeebelle Malig-Rosario