Fides '77 Revisited

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Official Website Of UST-EHS Class Of '77                   Today Is              
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Welcome To UST EHS Class of '77 Reunion Website!
We’re here to help UST-EHS grads connect with each other, plan reunions, and maybe solve world hunger. For now, the format is simple. You’ve all seen blogs, livejournal, photosites and that kind of thing on the net. This is really just one big blog and photo site.

Read and comment on pretty much anything posted here on the Forum page. Send last get-together photos or your latest family photos. Information in and out, that’s what we’re all about. You might also help us plan the upcoming 30th reunion in 2007 for the Class of 1977. If you’re from a different year, that’s cool. You might want to start planning one for your classmates too.

Questions or comments? Fantastic! You can comment on almost anything in the Categories section on the left using the corkboard . You can even post your own entry for everyone else to read and comment on. Thanks for coming to this website. Be sure and spread the word. It’s our hope that no one is missed for upcoming reunion plans.

Happy 30th Year Pearl Anniversary, Class Of 1977! - "Pearl Celebration Set For Nov 24, 2007!
Fellow '77 Batchmates, we are pleased to announce the celebration of our 30th Year '77 Class Reunion on the 24th of November, 2007! Are you ready to mix, mingle and get caught up on who's been doing what for the past 30 years? Then join our 30th Year "Pearl" Anniversary Reunion for an evening of fun, non stop dancing, eating, drinking, singing and most of all, renewing old friendships (and flings..just kidding), and reminiscing those old high school memories. The reunion is to be held at the Penthouse Level Function Hall, Future Point Condominium 1, in South Triangle QC. The cost is PHP 500.00 per person. If you’re interested, pls. contact Chris Ongpin at 09177054488, Vic Caballa at 09189017454, Chona Baraoidan at 09194525886 , or Ophie Indiongco at 09178163568. Come one, come all, we would love to hear from you.

NewsFlash: The Big One Is Coming In 2008!
UST-EHS Grand Homecoming & Reunion Set For Feb 15-17, 2008!

Join all our fellow EHS Alumni for 3 days of fun at the UST-EHS Multi-Batch Grand Homecoming & Reunion to be held Feb 15 to 17, 2008 in Manila. For more infos, pls. email Gil Noel David @ or Florette Abrenica Lauer @, or log on to
List up your name, batch, no of persons attending and your contact infos for the organizers to provide you with more information.

A Blast Reminiscing The Past!
The 4R1/4R2 Batch '77 Silver Jubillee Reunion was a huge success!Can you believe that our 25th Year has already come and gone? It was a fantastic get together, and everyone had a great time with their old friends. The reunion was held March 16, 2002 at the Skytop of the Hotel Intercontinental in Manila.

So What Happens Next?
It doesn't have to end with the reunion. The web site will remain active, and as always, you can keep up to date with your friends via this site's Contact Pages. And you can relive the reunion through photos from the event in the Photo Pages. Got some great photos of your own you'd like to share? Contact me and we'll get them into the gallery as well. And there's always the opportunity for more personal contact. Why not call that old or new friend, or send an e-mail? Get together for lunch or dinner. Have a party. Go to a football game. Send an e-card. Patronize their business. Visit their home. Visit their church. Don't wait 25 years! Don't wait 5 years!

UST-EHS Class of 77, this site is for you
This page is dedicated to UST-EHS Class of 1977 Alumni. Many of them were fortunate enough to get together the weekend of March 16-17,2002. And, if you were there you know how much fun the reunion night was.Thank You for attending and helping to make this reunion worth remembering for many years to come.

Let's Keep The Spirit Alive Always and Thank You!
The Fides '77 Alumni Page is thankful to the Reunion Committee and the Class of 1977 for the gracious invitation to attend the reunion events and to record the festivities and send those pictures on our alumni web site. It was a pleasure to work with those of you I did not know and a delight to get in touch with those of you I have known to some degree. We hope the stories and pictures help remind you of the fun of the reunion and the good friends you have in your classmates, and encourage you to keep in touch and get together as often as you can. Again, thank you and let's always keep the spirit alive!

In The News (Click on headline for details)
06/19/03 - "Home Sweet Home" for Teddy Lanuza
05/23/03 - Mike Fajardo in LA; Still "Unseen"!
05/10/03 - Buen Forms "Rubberband"; Recorded New MP3!
10/25/02 - "Bingo King" Vic assaulted in California!
10/15/02 - Unnamed Man(PL) Passed Out in CR
06/06/02 - Mackay involved in minor accident, Doctors reconstruct face!
05/18/02 - Student Grant awarded to Decolongon
05/17/02 - Newsletter Success!
05/01/02 - Anthony warns of Judgement Day
04/28/02 - Space accident brings Edna back to Earth!
04/23/02 - Danny DeLeon caught in the arms of a Cindy Crawford look-alike girlfriend!
04/22/02 - Buen Discovers that he is a Family Man!
04/20/02 - Arnel, pinabili nang suka nang ina, na-deadbol
04/20/02 - Ophie Indiongco to be Canonized as Saint
04/18/02 - Party Continues!

Relive the glamour of the Reunion night in the Reunion 2002 Gallery and Reunion Highlights Page
Weblinks: Welcome Batch '70!

Our sincere thanks to Batch '70 Website for posting links to this site and for providing us link to their wonderful website! We greatly appreciate the generosity of Batch'70 webmaster Krispin Ontong and hope our fellow EHSians and visitors of Class '70 will find our site useful. More Power, Batch '70 and all EHS Sites!

More EHS Sites:
Batch '77 Yahoo Site -
Batch '64 -
Batch '67 -
Batch '68 -
Batch '70 -
Batch '73 -
Batch '75 - (photos site)
Batch '75 -
Batch '76 -
Batch '80 -
Batch '81 -
Batch '88(4P) -
Batch '88(4R) -
Batch '91 -

EHS Building

 70's Music Flashback
"Maybe the old songs..would bring back the old times.... - D. Pomeranz/B. Manilow

Hitback Song Of The Week:
"You Can Close Your Eyes" - James Taylor 

The 70's Music Page (listen to classic 70's hits!...absolutely free, absolutely beautiful!) 


High School Memories Tidbits
"In 1st year high school, we were on the 5th floor, in a room just beside the stairs that led to the 6th floor. It was a voyeur's paradise. Girls walking up the stairs didn't realize the students in that room can get a candid look under their skirts if they weren't careful enough. Danny de Leon, myself and Jorge Lardizabal were in a good spot but Ronnie de Dios was in the prime position to see everything. Ronnie said that he saw some teachers who weren't wearing any panties. He was subsequently voted "Worst Liar Of The Class" for that year. Others who would constantly switch to those chairs were Danny Flores, Enrico Hernandez, and need I say, Buen Guido. The Three Horny Musketeers." ---Ed Lanuza
2007 NYC Multi-Batch Grand Reunion: Another Huge Success for the EHS Family!
What a wonderful time we had, being together again 9 months after the 2006 San Francisco Reunion, and seeing more EHSians at the 2nd EHS Multi-Batch NYC Grand Reunion, which was a huge success attended by over 75 alumni and guests. After days of cloudy skies, the sun broke through on Saturday, just in time for the main event. Lots of laughs, hugs and pleasant memories were shared by all. Our gathering on Thursday and Friday evening, was a great way to meet more EHSians, who for the first time have joined our EHS family. Those of us who met again for lunch on Sunday, shared another few moments of cherished memories. It was obvious that none of us wanted to go home; we were all enjoying just being together. To those of you who couldn't be with us, let me just say that we really missed you! Your names were mentioned frequently, we toasted you heartily, and even had some good things to say about each of you! I must also thank the members of the committee for their ideas, inspiration, and willingness to do the busy work necessary to make our reunion a success: Mai Villanueva, Judith Gaerlan, and Ces Liao. Those wanting to glance through photos of NYC Reunion 2007 can visit the NYC Reunion Slideshow Page

2006 UST EHS Multi-Batch Alumni California Reunion A Huge Success!
It took about half of a year to plan but in just one evening,the UST-EHS 2006 U.S. Grand Reunion, and over a hundred alumni and guests,- came and went. The event was a tremendous success! The first multi-batch U.S.reunion had a total participation of more than 100 alumni and guests. There were 14 batches represented at this year's reunion, from Class of 1953 to Class of 1981. Distance didn't seem to be a problem for EHS alumni, who came from 3 Countries including the Philippines and Canada; 7 U.S. states including New York, Washington, Indiana, and California; and 14 U.S. cities including New York, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. About eight groups held official mini-reunions during Reunion Weekend. Those wanting to glance through photos of Reunion 2006 can visit the Reunion Slideshow Page

Double-click on PLAY button to watch video clip
"VIDEO CLIP OF THE WEEK - Batch '75 Honors Paul, Imee, and Lyn"

Featured Photo Album Of The Day

"2006 UST-EHS Multi-Batch US Grand Reunion Pics"
Click Here To View Photos & Slideshow

What's New?

More Reunions! Class of 1975 Celebrates 30th Year With A Look Back
Almost everyone reaches a time in life that going back to one’s high school class reunion is a journey one looks forward to in order to get back in touch with one’s roots. This is exactly what Class of 1975 just recently did! They started with "Visita Escuela", which was a whole day affair at UST last Jan. 26 2005, and celebrated their 30th year reunion on the weekend at Shangrila in Makati. Congratulations Batch '75 on your 30th! Click here for photos from the reunion courtesy of Shirley Endozo-Regozo.

A 2 Day Event! 2003 New Year's Eve - New Year's Day 2004 US Get-Together/Reunion
What threatened to be a gray, chilly, and stormy California weekend turned into a perfect new year's eve for our (annual) US mini-reunion/get-together, held as always at Fabian's birthday bash . The party didn't end that evening, the fun continued the following day, New Year's Day. It was a 2 day event of non-stop eating, drinking, singing and most of all, reminiscing (again and again..) those old high school memories. Attendies of the event were not just "all-R2 guys" like we usually do, we were lucky to have Lucille Cachola-Pascual and Imee Malig-Rosario from R1 join us this time. Hopefully we could get other R1's to attend and join us for next year's mini-reunion. Click here for photos of the event.

Website Exclusive! In Retrospect: 30 Years After - Batch '73 30th Year Reunion!
It is hard to believe that 30 years have gone by this quickly since they graduated from HS, but believe it or not they have and to celebrate the occasion, The Class Of 1973 got together,celebrated, and renewed old friendship last May 24, 2003 on their 30th Year Grand Reunion in PI. It was held at Philam Life Homes Club House in QC. Guest Of Honor during the event was Ms. Minerva Gonzales. Congratulations Batch '73! Reunion Photos are now posted on this site courtesy of my sis, Marina Leonor-Cariaga. Join yahoo group at

Latest Updates On The Site
A Photo Slideshow from Imee Malig-Rosario's 2005 PI Visit

All Contact Pages and Personal Info Pages are now password protected. E-mail me if you dont know or have forgotten your individual password.

Photos from Vic's 2005 US Visit Posted!

Photos from 04/04/04 Passion Movie Get-Together In PI Posted!

Lyn Mendoza's Personal Page updated and kids photos posted

Photos from Paul's Bday Party-Reunion in LA and Feb. 14-18th Get-Together in San Francisco Now Posted!

Lucille's 25th Wedding Anniversary Pictures Posted!

Photos from New Year's Eve/New Year's Day 2004 Get Together in California Just Posted!

Arlene Parsad's Family Page Posted, Contact Infos & Personal Page Updated

Epen's Family Page added to Our Children Page

Marivic Salvador Paz' Latest Family Pics Posted, Contact Infos & Personal Page Updated

Batch '75's 30th Reunion Photos and Slideshow posted!

Batch '77 Yahoo E-mail group Created - Use only one e-mail address in sending e-mails to everybody in the batch! Click here to join

Batch '73's 30th Year Reunion Photos and Slideshow posted!

"Video Clip Of The Week" - Watch a mini reunion night video clip!(on this page)

The 70's Flashback: Remembering 'JC Superstar'

Seeking spirituality with a pop-culture twist was a popular pastime in the '70s.It was 1973. I was 12. While those two facts would seem enough to explain my initial fascination with Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's rock opera, my love for it has only grown through the years. That sort of reaction wasn't as extreme as you'd think. Even today, more than 30 years since it was released, a multitude of like-minded souls have put up Web sites in homage to various permutations of "Jesus Christ Superstar." Hey, just saying, I'm not the only one. "Jesus Christ Superstar" has been staged countless times over the past several decades. There's the first album, released in October 1970, that features then-obscure rocker Ian Gillan (of Deep Purple) as Jesus Christ. Then there's the movie that first bewitched me, the hippie-dippy one directed by Norman Jewison that came out in 1973. It is actually a classic work of '70s spiritual exploration -- and besides, Our Lord is hot

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(For Batch '77 Only. Updated Infos Will be Posted After 24 Hrs.)
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Everyone seemed to have a very good time, then it was over...
I must admit that although I was totally exhausted working on this site, I was sad that it was over. Sad because I did not want the fun to end, and sad because realistically I knew it would be several years before I would get in touch with my batchmates again. But I'm determined to keep up with everyone better this time. And hey, with the website still up and running, dozens of digital pictures of the reunion posted, and the e-mails pouring in, it looks like it just might happen!     -Paul Leonor (site admin)

Comedy File Insert: :) :) :) :)

"The Man" Song 

Reunion Aftermath

Read Roger Del's account of our 3/16 Reunion Click here

About The Site
This site is dedicated to bringing the alumni of UST-EHS Class '77 together. The Class of 1977 welcomes all visitors, especially all fellow UST-EHS alumni. This page is copyrighted ©2001 and is owned and maintained by Paul Leonor. For comments and suggestions send e-mail to or

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